
Here we are.

Apart. Isolated. Anxious. Uncertain. Scared. Lost. Vulnerable.


Relieved. Grateful. Reflective. Hopeful. Rested.

As fearful and vulnerable as we feel right now perhaps there is a silver lining. A new perspective. Perhaps this is an opportunity. Perhaps this is a space to rest, reflect and restore.

Truly the advancements that we have made on this earth are incredible. They are things to be proud of. Perhaps though, through our productivity and advancement, we have lost sight of some of the most important elements in life. We have become too focused on money, activity and being ‘better than’. We strive to higlight our differentces, create separateness, and promote greed and power as the things that matter most. Perhaps in all of this living that we have been doing the art of compassion, conection and supporting one another have been lost. Forgotten as we lead our increasingly busy lives.

Today we have been forced to pause. To slow down. To turn inwards. To reflect.

Many of us have recognised this need to slow down, and have tried, but we have struggled with being still. The silence deafening and agitating. So mother nature has taken it upon herself and forced us to stop. She has jolted us out of automaticity into the hear in now. She has reminded us to breathe. To look around at her beauty and simply enjoy. To be. To notice for so long what has gone unnoticed. To see. To look and see no further than our own garden. To look upwards at the sky and the formations of the clouds. To listen. To enjoy the rustling of the leaves in the trees. As the factories close and industries shut down blue sky appears. Air quality improves. Worldwide.


Perhaps in this space we are learning and remembering what is really important. That we can live with far less than we ever thought possible. That the people in our homes are more important, and need cared for much more, than the stuff in it. That a cupboard full of toilet rolls will not save us from the virus itself. Or from our emotions.

Perhaps we can now recognise the value in all jobs, and the people that do them. From those that stay up all night stacking the shelves at our local supermarkets to the support workers visiting the vulnerable and elderly people in our comminuties, and the teachers keeping our schools open so our healthcare workers can go to work and heal those in need. Perhaps the hierarcy we place on voccation is a social construction that is no longer fit for purpose. For without these wonderful people we would be in a far worse situation than we find ourselves in currently.

Thank you.

Perhaps we can bring more awareness to the food that we eat and a fresh sense of gratitude. No longer can we take for granted fully stocked supermarket shelves or the luxury of choice. Perhaps we can learn to be more connected with where our food comes from and how it arrives into the stores and ultimately on our plates. Perhaps we can grow our own food again and learn about the effort and time that is required to cultivate the ground beneath our feet. Perhaps our children will know once again that a carrot comes from the soil and not from the store.

Perhaps we will no longer take for granted the fabric of our everyday lives. Dropping the children off at school. Commuting. Shaking the hands of our colleagues. Hearing our friends laugh in person. Having big family dinners. . Travelling.

Perhaps this is a space where we can create something different. Something better. Something worth surviving for.
