Appointments | Dr. Nicola McCaffrey | Clinical Psychologist | Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway

Book an Appointment

Booking an appointment could not be easier. You can do everything online by simply clicking the button below.

If you are unsure if therapy might be of benefit to you are of course welcome to get in touch as I am always happy to discuss your needs or concerns before you go ahead and make an assessment appointment. So please do not hesitate to get in touch for matters both big and small.

Fees and Charges for Private Clients

Sessions are either single, 45 minutes, or double, 90 minutes, in duration. It is best if for the initial assessment appointment you book a double session (quite literally two single sessions) at 90 minutes as this allows both you and Dr. McCaffrey time to get to know one another, begin to talk through the story that has brought you into therapy, and develop some shared goals for therapy itself. Thereafter, you can choose for yourself whether you would like a single or double appointment.

ASSESSMENT Appointment Between 08:00-16:00

Single 45 Minute Appointment (Individuals/Couples)
1950/2350 NOK

Appointment Between 08:00-16:00

Single 45 Minute Appointment (Individuals/Couples)
1750/2350 NOK

Evening Therapy Appointment Between 16:00-20:00

Single 45 Minute Appointment (Individuals/Couples)
1900/2600 NOK

Medical Reports and Insurance Letters
Medical reports, insurance letters and general administration is charged for over and above the typical session rate.  This is due to the considerable amount of time and research that goes into this type of administration and work. The charge for this is 1350nok per hour. 


I invoice clients at the end of each month, via email, for their sessions. If however you would prefer to pay on a session by session basis sessions can be paid for by card when you attend my office.  


Many of my clients use health insurance to cover the cost of their therapy. In my experience the majority of private health care insurance providers cover up to 10 therapy sessions in a 12 month period. As individual plans can vary widely however, I always encourage clients to contact their insurance provider directly prior to attending therapy. 

Like many therapists I am an out-of-network provider. That means I do not accept your insurance directly. You must cover the cost of the sessions yourself initially and then claim back these costs from your insurance provider. At the end of each month, you will receive an invoice from me via e-mail. Send this into your insurance company, usually along with a health insurance claim form, to receive reimbursement of payment. Your insurance carrier will process your claim, just like they would for a medical claim. If they have any questions about authorisation of services, please feel free to have them contact me directly.


Please note that once your appointment time and date have been confirmed, I have a 48 hour cancellation policy. Any cancellations less than 48 hours prior to an appointment, or any non-attendance will be charged. Any requests to reschedule less than 48 hours prior to an appointment, regrettably cannot be guaranteed and the original appointment will be charged for other than in exceptional circumstances.