Why we sleep.....and how to get better at it!

Why we sleep.....and how to get better at it!

If you haven’t already read Matthew Walkers recent book ‘Why We Sleep’ I would urge you to do so. It was one of my final reads of last year, but it was likely to be one of the most influential and significant. Interestingly there were some nights that it had the perverse effect of keeping me awake rather than lulling me to sleep, a behaviour that I am starting to recognise as being more important than I gave it credit for. 'Why We Sleep' is a complex but significant book that examines the sleep deprivation epidemic that we currently find ourselves negotiating, arguing a causal link between sleep deprivation and Alzheimers, cancer, diabetes (the list goes on and on….!) In fact the more I learnt about sleep the more I began to wonder whether it could potentially be the foundation on to which all other stabilising heath factors, such as nutrition and movement, are built.